Country Paradise, Horse Property Town, Ranchy Village
My name is Happy Horse and I specialize in locating grassy pieces of real estate in the city of Country Paradise and throughout the County of Green Meadows. We have properties with both rail and wire fencing, and we have both tree-ed pasture land and tree-less properties. We also have paddocks with shelters -- 3 sided, 4 sided, and pole styles. And we have a wide selection of barns -- all with turn-outs.
The County of Green Meadows is known world wide for its luscious grasses and gently rolling terrain. Additionally the seasons are moderate. The rainfall is approx. 26 inches per year -- enough to produce all the grass we need but not so much as to keep us wet all the time.
I can find you that perfect property anywhere in Green Meadows County. I also service Horseshoe Downs County to the north.
I was raised in a small paddock in southern California, but from early on I had my eyes set on broader vistas. In 2015 I relocated to a rural area in central California and within two years, I received the Horse Hunters award for being able to find the most prime grazing spot in the local pastures.
I developed a keen interest in locating prime grazing real estate for other horses, and I have an extensive marketing program that has earned me honor and recognition among the local horse community.
I am in a committed relationship to a mare who is exactly twice my age!. But the age difference has never been a problem for us; I'm a gelding and she's past her child-bearing years so we're a match in that regard.
I'm excellent on trail and I have really good feet, so good that I'm able to go bare-foot with no problems and I really love it.
I love meeting new horses and I am always available to service your needs in finding that perfect place for you!
Please feel free to contact me at any time!
Good morning! I've got a new recipe that I just had to share. It's especially good if your diet consists mostly of grass hay:
First take a mouthful of grass hay place it on the low end of the feeder.
Then go to the water trough and take a big drink of water.
Return to the feeder and let dribbles of water fall onto the hay.
Let it sit for about 15 minutes.The hay will gradually absorb the water and the taste is delicious!
Hey, just wanted to remind you that it's never too early or too late to begin thinking about where you're going to hang out during the winter rainy (and in some cases, snowy) season! Planning ahead is a real key and many horses just don't do it. But with just a little forethought, you can stake your claim now, and when the cold weather comes, you'll already be established
Here's one of my favorite quotes:
"Just remember that wherever you find yourself, there you are!"